Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Friday 8 March - Day 2 in the USA

Current location: Phoenix, Arizona
11.11am, Planning our day. We all woke up early (thanks jetlag!) to enjoy our first full day in America. Even though today is her birthday, Becky had to go to work, leaving the three of us to explore the city. We went for a wander and then decided to try and catch a baseball game. Luckily, Spring Training is taking place at the moment so we ventured to Tempe Diablo Stadium to watch the Arizona Diamondbacks play the Los Angeles Angels.

On the way to the stadium, we met some die-hard fans, who were very excited about watching the game and didn't seem at all bothered about the weather forecast of a "Great Storm". This was Arizona, after all, where it is sunny for about 320 days a year. Their excitement was infectious and, by the time we got to the stadium and got some tickets, we were pretty excited.

We settled down with the compulsory hot dog and beer, and the game started. And then it started raining. Really hard. Rianne and I tried to shelter under chairs, and laughed at all the non-Brits who were freaked out by a bit of rain. Then it got heavier and heavier, and windier and windier, and the food stands starting falling over in the wind. Exciting times! Sadly, a few minutes later, they cancelled the remainder of the game, and the crush of people all packed under a few covered parts of the stadium to wait out the storm.

However, the storm didn't seem to want to end, so reluctantly we went back to the road to catch our bus back. As if by magic, there were the men we'd met on the way out, still enthusiastic and excited, with their spirits not remotely dampened. Making friends with them on the bus ride back into town, they convinced us to come to a bar with them. What a great idea, we thought, as we followed them into Hooters!

A couple of hours, sangrias and mini burgers later, we were all firm friends and had been taught how to eat chicken wings. Hilarious. It was time to head back to Becky's and get ready for her birthday night out! The lightrail journey back was interesting – Americans really are exceptionally friendly, even (or especially) to strangers. It might be the biggest difference between UK and USA that I've noticed so far; either that, or the constant refilling of drinks. That still confuses me.

Anyway, back to Becky's. We got glammed up, drank a couple of bowl-sized shots, and went to somewhere yummy for dinner (I've forgotten what it was called). The plan was to go on to a rooftop bar in downtown Phoenix but the Great Storm was continuing, so after a realllllly amazing dinner, we went to a swanky bar in the city centre to carry on the celebrations. Becky was on fine form, and we saw off our jetlag with sparkling wine and sparkling conversation. Beck's friends were lovely and it was a brilliant first day in the USA (despite the Great Storm).

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