Sunday, March 25, 2018

Friday 16 February – A funny old day

Current location: Sydney
11.11am, On my way for an early lunch with a few friends. It ended up being me and my friend Ginny, as the others were running a little late, then I had to leave early for an appointment with my surgeon. It was my one-year post-surgery check-up... and what a weird appointment it was. It turns out my 'bad' leg (the left one, which I had an ACL reconstruction on in March 2017) is pretty good! I have been doing so much rehab, throwing myself into physio and recovery, and desperate to get back to sport. I've been hitting most of my goals and targets and I was pretty sure I was going to be cleared to go back to sport. And I was! I was so pleased. (The top pic is a blurry photo of the surgeon's notes saying 'Return to sport'.)

However... (why do these things often have a however?!) in the process of the surgeon and consultant doing all the tests for my knee, they checked against my 'good' knee (you'll understand why the need for inverted commas shortly)...and did more tests...and got more consultants in... and some students... and some interns...and another surgeon... blah blah blah on it went with all these tests, as it turned out - I have a suspected ACL rupture in my right knee!! Waaaaaahhhh :( It's actually an old injury so, as I had been playing sport on it for a few years (before I injured my left knee), my muscles had adapted enough to keep the area around it strong. It does give way a bit (a classic sign of an ACL tear) but anyway... I will need surgery on the right knee at some point, but not yet. I am not ready to go through all that again! So it's a bit of a waiting game, but one I am willing to play.
After my appointment I went back to our apartment and had some friends over for Aperol Spritzes on the rooftop to drown my sorrows. It was such a beautiful evening, with a beautiful view!

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