Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sunday 14 November - Selling our souls (well, our clothes and furniture)

11.11am, Waking up in Berlin again. It's so nice to be back, even if my plan of being chilled out and not doing much has been rudely disrupted... As we have to move out of our lovely apartment at the end of the month, I've realised we have a lot of packing and sorting to do. Especially as we don't have another apartment to move into. My parents are coming to visit next week, so we basically have a week to sort out our home and decide the next step. It looks as though Andy is heading to Austria for the winter (hooray, more snowy holidays for me!) so we really need to get rid of a lot of stuff. Cue eBay, Craigslist and every other method of selling things that we can think of.

(Picture from Happy Tellus - Maybe this is how I should go about selling things?!)

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