Friday, August 5, 2016

Tuesday 2 August – Bye bye Bali

Current location: Bali

11.11am, Checking out of my hotel, which was a shame because the salad I had last night was also trying to check its way out of my body (sorry). As a result, I spent the day trying to nap by the pool, and eating dry crackers. Not exactly the way I intended to spend my last day here, but it could be worse. In the afternoon, I dragged myself to Sisterfields to eat some muesli and then had a foot scrub. It felt weird being on my own all day, but good too – it's something I never ever do. I read so much, chilled so much, and really enjoyed it. I think I like being with other people more, because then I don't have to make any decisions, but it was actually a really fab and chilled way to end the holiday. Thank you so much Bali, what a treat you have been!

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