Sunday, March 25, 2012

Friday 23 March - Friday night treat

Current location: Dalston
11.11pm, Dancing in our friend Tim's lounge. It was his birthday so Ruth, Nicky and I joined lots of other friends and helped him celebrate.

When I was a child, an exciting part of the week was Friday Night Treat, when we were allowed to choose any one thing we wanted. More often than not, I chose a chicken Pot Noodle (classy, from a young age), while my sister Claire would choose a Cadbury's Creme Egg (when they were in season). While the options have widened slightly, the sentiment has always remained with me and I think there's something about Friday nights that means you can treat yourself a bit more than usual.

Tonight we took it to a new level, when Nicky, Ruth and I decided to meet for dinner and drinks before Tim's party... We went to Hawksmoor, home to the most amazing food ever, and gorged ourselves on lobster, crab, burgers, and delicious little chocolates for dessert, all washed down with a few cocktails. Friday night treat, indeed.

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