Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Monday 25 December – Our Cornish Christmas

Current location: Sennen
11.11am, Swimming! Or, more accurately, huddling on the beach trying to warm up after the annual Christmas Sennen Sea Swim! This morning started out with Andy and I waking up in our apartment (this first time I have ever woken up on Christmas Day in my own place, rather than someone else's house!) and Skyping the Aussie family, then having my fave brekkie (bacon and avocado toast).
We went over to Mum and Dad's to pick them up, then off to Sennen for the swim. It was so fun... so funny, was the tide was so far in, so everyone was squished in together, falling over rocks and getting smashed by waves (not as scary as it sounds!).
Once we'd warmed up and got changed, we went back to Mum and Dad's and opened some pressies with the Harrisons who were very cute and excited, then went over to the Pyrahs for an afternoon of Twinkies (Champagne and elderflower liqueur), Christmas dinner, lots of presents, some bizarro games and quizzes and a lot of general merriment. I had such a brilliant afternoon, and the kids were all so fun. Andy and I stayed for cheese and wine in the eve, then headed home to open our pressies from each other. Merry Christmas!

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