Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Saturday 6 January – Ruan is 1!

Current location: Penzance
11.11am, Eating pain au chocolat that we made (kind of). Emma and I got up early and decided to go for a sea swim. It was such a cold day! Battery Rocks was too stormy, and we couldn't get in off the prom either, so we decided to jump in the harbour. I don't think I've ever been so cold. It was awesome though. Afterwards we came home to warm up with coffee and omelettes, then had a walk along the blustery prom... then came home to warm up with tea and pastries! Then on to Marazion, where we walked along to the Mount in the sunshine, before a quick stop for pasties and then Em and Brodie got their train back to Devon. A dream trip, thanks guys!
Today is Ruth's gorgeous son Ruan's 1st birthday! So when Em and Bro had left, I scooted on up to their house and joined in the little party, complete with cakes and balloons and lots of laughing and some lovely friends. Happy birthday Ruan, you absolute little gem of delight.
In the evening I worked at Coco Loco with Andy, which was fun and pretty chilled - he's a nice boss!

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