Sunday, April 27, 2014

Friday 18 April – Easter holidays in ful swing!

Current location: Kioloa, NSW
11.11am, On the beach! This morning, after getting up at 3.20am to drive down the coast, Nick, Bree and I arrived at about 6.30am. I wasn't really tired so, while the other happy campers (Andy, Dave, Val and Carlie) were still asleep, and Nick and Bree decided to have a nap, I took Dana the dog for a walk. We walked to the beach, had a swim (I didn't bring my bikini but as there was no-one else on the beach, I went for a nudie swim!) then I read my book and went back to see who was awake. No-one. So back out I went to read my book on the beautiful beach and get a coffee and before too long, everyone else woke up and we had yummy egg and bacon rolls. Most of the afternoon was spent on the beach or watching the boys surf, then we had a big cook-up at the campsite and sat around playing games and drinking wine. Yay I love camping!

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