Friday, May 31, 2013

Wednesday 29 May – Working and walking the city

Current location: Sydney
11.11am, Sitting in the park, listening to a busker and being amazed at the heat. It was 23 degrees in the city, and it's supposed to be winter. Good work Sydney! I came into the city today to have a few meetings with a few men about a few jobs. The 'commute' was pretty incredible. Although it involves a 1hr 20min train journey, the scenery is just amazing (the bottom four pictures were all taken from the train)! After each meeting, I had a bit of time to wander around the city, sit in a park, and meet my friend Phil for lunch. It was ace wandering around; I love walking in cities, it's the best way to get to know somewhere I think. And the meetings went well; some freelance work and some other potential exciting opportunities, so let's see what happens.

After the meetings, I went to Sha's house (who was working from home) for a cup of tea and a quick chat before going to meet Kara, Phil and Bree at The Soda Factory for dinner and drinks. The venue was awesome and my burger was good, but I don't think the hotdogs were amaaazeballs. Somewhere to go for drinks, probably, rather than for a nice dinner. It's fun being in the same city as these guys again!

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