Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday 18 October - Monday morning...

11.11am, Waking up to the eighth alarm going off (ten-minute snoozes since 10am)... and pressing the snooze button again. I really intend to get up early (yes, 10am currently counts as 'early' for me) but I find that when it's cold outside, my bed is the place I want to be. And it definitely is cold outside at the moment.

When I finally rose, it was a job day. You know when you put off all those odd jobs you have to do, until suddenly it's the day before they need doing by? So off Andy and I went to our old apartment to pick up two bikes and two umbrellas, then to the post office, the Schlüsseldienst (key cutters) and the bank. Boring but necessary.

The leaves are still just about hanging on, so there are still beautiful colours to be seen, but I fear it's now a matter of days, not weeks, until they've all fallen and been mushed into the ground.

Ps. Andy's new bike (see yesterday's post). Pretty awesome, huh?

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